What is a musical seal ?

A musical seal is a section between several notes that any person can play on the piano by emotion and even repeat it.

The musical seal can comes from the depths of people and can be found in anyone, including children.

The discovery of this creative part by the person leads to recognition of his creativity, empowerment, connection to the soul, a feeling of discovery of magic, elation, connection to self, when a child can express the musical sense that lies in him, the creativity, the desire to be published, to receive likes or sympathy.

You can express the emotion in music and the authentic self through our training questionnaires and we will help you discover your musical signature. Each person has several musical seals

Wrote about us

The management of the Company is carried out by a very experienced executive leadership team.
The team has a deep understanding of music.

Erez Dayan B.B.A

CEO and Founder

When I found my musical seal it was a magical moment for a person who doesn't know how to play, it had healing and empowering powers for me and I wish that every person on the planet experience it.

Rina Yehoshoa M.A

Music and frequency therapist (M.T-B.C), n entrepreneur in the field of health and education, a sought-after and experienced lecturer. She has a master's degree from Drexel University in the USA, a pianist and musician, a graduate of the Academy of Music and a BA in music, education and psychology from Tel Aviv University.

The experience of finding a personal musical signature is exciting, empowering, creative and fun. It is possible for anyone, child or adult without any musical background, and opens the door to an inner journey of personal expression and finding your unique mark, from which your own recorded musical work will be born, which will also participate as part of a joint work with 101 different signers, as a connecting and unifying human musical mosaic that will leave a mark of Light in the hearts of those who hear. The process of finding your musical signature is easy and simple through unique questionnaires and structured step-by-step guidance. It excites me to accompany such a venture that goes out into the world, and uses music as a tool for internal connection and between people in such an exciting and exciting way. I wish a wonderful experience to everyone who joins this amazing project.

Asaf Zinger

Pianist, piano teacher, musical arranger and composer with about 25 years of experience in the music industry in Israel, alongside artists, musicians and leading bands in the field of culture and events.

The musical seal project breaks the boundaries of imagination and familiar musical perception, by an amazing journey to connect body and soul that everyone can embark on and make their personal musical mark. The spry of the soul expressed by each and every one, can lead to reflection and healing on a deep and experiential level. Thank you Erez for a wonderful gift to the world

Zohar Lir M.B.A

One of the founders of Health Seal

I myself played the piano for 8 years. But I never tried my seal during my studies. Because I only learned notes. It's a shame that in the framework of the study they don't teach freely and without insight. This is how more original works come out, develop creativity, imagination, boldness, style, etc. Even as a child I grew up in a home with art, painting and writing due to being the daughter of Tamar Bornstein Lazar Zikrona Blessa Every person has a seal that characterizes him. When you don't know notes and don't learn to play at all, the fingers are laid out on the piano intuitively. It is the seal of man. You can also learn about the character of the person, creativity, flexibility, purpose and flow. Once you condense the seal into harmonious music with many instruments, it does not lose the basic seal of that person. For autistic people this is very significant and greatly promotes variety and stimulates creativity and joy and emotional expression and increases confidence. There is no doubt that they will be proud of the completed piece and it will encourage them to more areas that they thought they were unable to perform.